April 15, 2024

Scorum Community Update: Q2 2024 Overview with GIVEAWAY

We are thrilled to share the remarkable milestones achieved in Q1 and the exciting roadmap for Q2 2024.

Q1 2024 Achievements

  1. Mainnet Launch: We successfully launched our Mainnet in January 2024. This monumental step forward establishes a solid foundation for Scorum's future expansions.
  2. Bridge Launch: The Scorum Bridge is now operational, facilitating seamless transactions between the old and new blockchains.
  3. Osmosis Listing: SCR has been listed on Osmosis, starting with the SCR-USDC trading pair.
  4. Keplr Wallet Integration: SCR is now supported by the Keplr wallet, providing our users with a secure and convenient way to manage their assets.

Q2 2024 Roadmap

Blockchain Migration

The migration of Aviatrix web2 blockchain parts of the game is set to conclude by the end of April. After this we will send the information to Blocktivity to update the information on our part.

Cosmos Dubai

We are excited to announce our participation in Cosmos Dubai on April 16th. This event is an excellent opportunity to connect with the Cosmos community and share insights into Scorum's developments.

Sponsorship at Nibiru Event

Aviatrix as a part of Scorum ecosystem is proud to sponsor the Nibiru event during Token 2049. Nibiru Chain is a breakthrough L1 blockchain and smart contract ecosystem providing superior throughput and unparalleled security.

Token 2049 Attendance

Our team will be attending Token 2049 from April 18-19. This premier event offers an excellent platform for networking and showcasing Scorum's latest advancements.

Aviatrix Web3 Release

Set for release in May, the web3 version of Aviatrix promises to introduce groundbreaking features and enhance SCR utility.

Enhanced Social Media Strategy

Starting in May, we're stepping up our social media game with more engaging content and community interactions.

Collaborations & Community Engagement

We are currently working with the Blockchain Centre [part of Animoca Brands] on partnerships. We're at the final stage of discussion with some projects and will share details as terms are finalized.

In Progress Updates

CoinMarketCap Update

Active discussions are ongoing with CoinMarketCap to update our listing information to reflect the recent blockchain transition.

CoinGecko Listing

To ensure SCR data is visible on CoinGecko, we're diligently completing all necessary requirements. Our team is working closely with CoinGecko to meet their criteria.

Adding New Trading Pairs

At the same time we will be adding new trading pairs, including USDC.axl/SCR and OSMO/SCR, to increase trading flexibility for SCR holders.

Getting Ready to Fly!